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Exciting news from Flint River Ranch Headquarters about new small and large dog “size-specific” kibble formulas for your dogs as well as a chance to try out one of the new products at a very inexpensive price!

Here’s the latest information on the upcoming additions to the Flint River Ranch product line:

“For a few years now, we’ve had distributors and customers request “size-specific” kibbles for their dogs to eat. In the past we haven’t been able to provide this option, but we can now! We are currently in the process of changing our kibble presentation so that we will be able to offer both a small dog kibble and a large dog nugget in all of our formulas!

As you know, we introduced our new variegated kibble last year, and it has been accepted well and feeds great. We tried to make these kibbles so that they would appeal to dogs of all sizes. However, some owners still want a more size-specific option for their dogs, especially for some of the hypoallergenic, limited-ingredient formulas that were only available in the larger nugget size.

We’ve already been very successful with our nugget shape, so we are going to make this our “Large” dog nugget from here on. In the future it will be available only in the 20 and 40 LB bag sizes.

We are also finalizing testing new and smaller variegated kibbles for our small dog owners. We will have a test batch sent to us very soon, which will be available in our 10 LB bag size.

The first formula we are testing in these new shapes is our Lamb and Millet formula. I’m feeding a test bag of this in the nugget to my boys; both over 100 lbs., and they love the taste and the texture of the Lamb and Millet as a Nugget. As you know our nuggets are a good size to make dogs stop and chew their food more, so this shape is working very well.

We have 200 bags of the new Lamb and Millet Nugget 20 LB and 10 LB small dog bites coming to us by the end of February. We will be selling the TEST BAGS of 20 lb. bag at $20 to cover the shipping & handling. When the TEST BAGS of 10 lb. small dog kibble gets in, I will sell the 10 LB bag at $10. I ask that only 1 bag of each formula go to a specific address, and this offer is only on the TEST BAGS and until they run out. Again, this pricing is only for the test bags.

If you’re interested in trying them out, please send an email to orders@frrco.com with the subject line of “LMR test batch” to have your name added to the list to test these new shapes. Stipulate if you would like to have a 10 or 20 LB bag sent to you when they come in. Please include your full name, FRR account # [drop us a line if you need this information] and daytime phone number so we can alert you to when it’s received and on its way to you.

We’re very excited to finally be able offer these size-specific kibbles to you. We do ask that you let us know how the formula works for your dogs and your thoughts on these shapes when you receive them.”

As always, thank you for your time and support!”



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