Flint River Ranch Recovery Efforts in Japan and Elsewhere
May 20th, 2011We have the latest news from Flint River Ranch Headquarters regarding the recovery efforts in Japan and other areas:
Flint River Ranch has added more pallets of DOG and CAT formulas to the latest container going overseas. We will continue to help out and assist as we can with the recovery efforts there. Our Japanese distributors state that while efforts continue and food is still needed, it does seem that the urgency is slowing down a bit — at least it does not seem that rescue efforts are as urgent and hectic as they initially started. These folks are still working very hard and doing fantastic work in helping out a lot of animals; dogs, cats, birds and any other pets needing assistance. Wonderful folks all over, but the JEARS foundation is doing a large amount of the work.
I do appreciate the hundreds of replies of support for our small part in this vast effort ongoing in Japan (check out our earlier post on these efforts here). Unfortunately, we did get a single unpleasant note insinuating a lack of US efforts. Well, since we were asked so nicely, please know that we have been assisting many groups here in the US for many years. We don’t talk about it a lot because there are so many worthwhile groups out there and we can only assist a few. However, Flint River Ranch has been feeding hundreds of animals at an Atlanta-based adoption, no-kill shelter for over the past 2 years. We also help feed a cat-specific shelter in Northern Atlanta.
Additionally, whenever there is a need, we try our best to assist. We’re small and have nowhere near the resources of even the mid-level pet food producers, but we have always helped where we can. Twice now I have personally filled up my truck and taken it to Alabama for the tornado relief. I’m planning another trip up to North Georgia this week to provide food for the tornado relief there.
This company continues charity efforts here in the US and abroad. We wish we could do more as there are huge needs these days, but we continue to do what we can. Thank you for all that you are doing, too — we know very well that we’re not alone in our efforts!
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